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Why I decided to run and why I'm not taking donations.

Aug 25, 2024

2 min read




Since earlier this year, I have been watching the race for City Attorney hoping that someone I could support would jump in the race and challenge David Chiu. As the deadline got closer and closer, I realized nobody was going to step up so I decided to do it myself. I don't want to be that guy that just complains about politics on Facebook.

For now, I am self-funded because I think the whole process of raising money for a non-partisan position really stinks. I reserve the right to raise money later but for now I am going to self-fund and try a real grassroots campaign because I believe my product is truly superior to the alternative: I am a local boy that is not in "the club". My opponent is a powerful career politician with appointments, money and connections up the wazoo. If the people of San Francisco really want more of the same guy that has been asleep at the wheel while San Francisco has been utterly destroyed... so be it. The way I see it... I did my part and if I lose, I will just go back to doing the things I truly love.

Talking to people on the street, I know I can win. The people of San Francisco are fed up. For all Chiu's years in SF politics, most people don't know who he is and the others hate his guts. The real question is: Can a regular guy like me, without the blessing of the SF Royal Family, win in a rigged system?

To beat the machine, I am going to need grassroot support. My victory will come through word-of-mouth driven by the people of San Francisco engaging in meaningful discourse. My first goal to do this is to get my signs throughout San Francisco - PLEASE TAKE ONE A PUT IT IN YOUR WINDOW AND HELP ME PUT THEM UP ALL OVER! I also need people that believe in me and want a positive change in the way things are done in SF government to share my story with other people.

If you really want real change in SF in terms of top-down civil enforcement of the rule of law, please tell your friends, neighbors and voters to check out my site and share my story.

Aug 25, 2024

2 min read





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